The Biggest Virtual Congress on Immunotherapeutics

100 Free Registrations For Academia

First-come, First-served basis

Registration Fee

  • *EUSTM Member Registration Pass (Academic, Clinical, Healthcare Organizations): 25 US$
  • Non-EUSTM Member Registration Pass (Academic, Clinical, Healthcare Organizations): 50 US$
  • EUSTM Member Registration Pass (Industry, SMEs, Vendors): 275 US$ Non-
  • EUSTM Member Registration Pass (Industry, SMEs, Vendors): 550 US$

⋆Access to talks during & post congress (Valid until Oct. 31, 2024)

⋆Attendance Certificate for Registration Fee Paid

* Affiliation proof can be asked

Registration Method

You can register at the Congress Virtual Platform by clicking on the below link:

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation request should be forwarded by email to the congress secretariat:

  • Cancellation request received before 15th April 2024: 50 % Refund
  • Cancellation request received after 15th April 2024: NO Refund


The congress organizers and congress secretariat are not responsible and cannot accept liability for any damage/loss of any nature and accident during or arising from participation in the Congress. The congress congress organizers and congress secretariat are not responsible to provide attendance certificates to those absent from congress and also to ‘Free registration Fee status delegates.