Request for Proposals for Future meetings

Request for Proposals (RFP) to Co-Host Annual EUSTM Conferences 2024 & 2025

The European Society for Translational Medicine (EUSTM) is a neutral global healthcare organization (ICCA Verified Association) whose principal objective is to enhance world-wide healthcare by facilitating rapid translation of scientific discoveries into therapeutics. The EUSTM conferences provide a core forum for dissemination of ground-breaking research and clinical developments under specified conference themes (set each year). The EUSTM conferences unite scientists, clinicians, public health professional, world leaders and experts from research institutions, pharma, biotech industry, regulatory agencies, policy makers, and governments.

The current practice is to hold annual conferences in European countries, however due to rapid growth of conferences and global nature of delegates, the EUSTM Board of Directors has expressed the desire to consider Non-EU Hosts as well. Ideally, the local host would have good connections with the local industry (pharma, biotech/medical instruments) for seeking sponsorships and would be influential to recruit local delegates.

The proposal may be prepared by the city conference bureau or a professional Congress Organizer, but in either case it must be supported by a local host (University, Hospital, Research Institution, national association/society/organization). The local host must be well-reputed and actively engaged in any of the preferred themes/topics/specialities set by the EUSTM for next years conferences. The local host can propose any of the above theme/topic for the conference.

EUSTM Preferred Themes/Topics/Speciality for next years conferences:

  • Cardiology
  • Neurology
  • Vaccines
  • Immunology
  • Oncology/Cancer
  • Digital Pathology/Cytology
  • Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
  • Cellular & Molecular Biology
  • Clinical Trials/Drugs R&D
  • Diagnostics, Biomarkers & novel testing
  • Stem Cells/Regenerative medicine

In the case the host is in a different continent, a ‘Joint EU-Host Continent conference’ title will be considered. The objective of such congress would be to provide updated scientific/clinical knowledge to the local region with special adaption to local needs. In addition, if the proposal is strong, it may also be considered for a separate EUSTM Clinical Congress Series (in the area of interest of local host). A discounted registration fee will be charged to that region’s delegates.

2024: 11th Annual Clinical & Translational Medicine Congress

Deadline for Bid Proposal: 28 September 2023

Conference Months: October-December 2024

Duration: 3 Days (Hybrid Mode)

Expected Delegates Size: 250 Onsite and 3000+ Virtual delegates

2025: 12th Annual Clinical & Translational Medicine Congress

Deadline for Bid Proposal: 20 May 2024

Conference Months: September-November 2025

Duration: 3 Days (Hybrid Mode)

Expected Delegates Size: 250 Onsite and 3000+ Virtual delegates

Benefits for local host

The local host will be positioned as the co-organizer for the conference. The host will receive recognition and benefits that are mutually agreed upon. As desired, the conference will provide visibility and coverage at national/regional level to the local host.

In case the host is in a different continent, a ‘Joint EU-Host Continent conference’ title will help to highlight local sponsor institution’s work and visibility at the global level. If proposal is strong, it may also be considered for a separate EUSTM Clinical Congress series (in the area of interest of local sponsor).

EUSTM Considerations & Criteria

Each proposal will be evaluated based upon the destination’s ability to meet these minimum criteria & EUSTM will look at factors such as:

  • The local host must be actively involved in the EUSTM preferred themes/topics.
  • The local host should have good scientific or clinical repute.
  • Potential for recruiting local delegates from the country/region.
  • Accessibility to major modes of travel.
  • Potential synergies and intangible benefits that may be created between EUSTM and the host organization as a result of the meeting.
  • EUSTM staff will require a site visit to all locations being considered. These efforts are often sponsored and coordinated by a local or national Tourism Board. A meeting with the local bid committee is customary during these site visits.
  • The EUSTM retains sole discretion on meeting revenue. Revenue sharing with host is not permissible.

Deadline: Proposal/Letter of intent for local host

Proposals/LOI should be addressed to the EUSTM Board of Directors and email to President, EUSTM (Prof. Dr Aamir Shahzad: [email protected]) as per deadline. The letter of intent/proposal should include a brief description of proposed host, proposed conference theme, and outline potential for local delegates’ recruitment & any local industry connections. There is no defined limit to the number of pages that may be included in a proposal, but the Board appreciates succinct descriptions and rationales.

EUSTM Secretariat

European Society for Translational Medicine (EUSTM)
Wiedner Gürtel 13, 1100, Vienna, Austria
+43 1 8923 562
[email protected]